Digital Services

The use of ATM and PoS machines are now becoming popular day by day in rural areas also.

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Conversion of Customer into Consumer

There are considerable difference between customer and consumer.

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Happy Farmer

The agriculture sector is characterized by instability in incomes because of various types of risks involved in production,

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Padharo Mhare Des

Tourism is the third largest employer after agriculture and textiles sector.  Tourism industry

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Education for Employment

In Rajasthan, Agriculture & allied activities still provide over 60% of all jobs, with industry

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Caring for Health

In the last 15 years since the announcement of the first national health policy, significant

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Business Promotions

Business or Product promotion is very important for success. The majority of consumers belongs to the rural area. The concept ...

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Easy Reach at Destination

The problem of delayed delivery of letters, parcels and other valuables has decreased the trust in most of companies. In ...

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IT Services For All

We are starting our new Project IT for All. It will enable RURAL people to use IT and Technology for ...

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