Education for Employment

In Rajasthan, Agriculture & allied activities still provide over 60% of all jobs, with industry (mainly construction and manufacturing) and services (mainly trade, hospitality, Government and Community Services) accounting for the rest of employment. The State Government has been creating a number of job opportunities under various sectors, but the increase in the job has been more than offset by the rapid growth of population.


In view of the limited scope for wage employment due to financial constraints, the thrust is now on self-employment. The facilities for vocational guidance and assistance for self- employment to the educated persons are, therefore, being given emphasis.


Millions of people face immense basic supply challenges on a daily basis, which could be met by implementing appropriate technological solutions. Such solutions not only provide the chance of leveling out acute deficits but also offer diverse opportunities for independent economic activities coupled with urgently needed income.


There are two ways for generation employment by education and training. The most of the popular target for education is getting government jobs. This has encouraged the opening of coaching institutes in a large number. People with financial base are going nearby cities to get benefited of their guidance. But, the poor or not able to arrange required money for coaching are not in a position to get the government jobs.


Our aim is to use the education, training and coaching facilities for every section of society at their home without making huge expenses. In addition, the will encourage the people to start their own business by giving jobs to other. Project-5 has been designed in such a way so that people can get jobs after the education/training.


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